Sunday, March 15, 2009

random #3

Okay I really need a computer. Nope, a CPU. That works! I need a CPU that works. I want a CPU that works. I mean, I'm paying for the internet without using it! I'm blogging using my sis's lappie. Weekends only. Eeesh~ And I want my cash from bloody! Eeesh~ I won like, RM 1000, can?! *Flares nostrils*

Anyway, I! Have! Finished! My! Blanket! (Visual Comm.'s final project) Hooooo!! Raaaaay!! I forgot to take a picture of it before submitting it. So I don't get to "show it off" here like Kevin said. *Blueks to Kevin!* The blanket has stains of red dye on it coz it fell off the table when I was drying the dye. So it looked as though someone *Koff!* left *Koff! Koff!* period stain on it. *Koff!*

Moving on! *Koff!* An old friend came back to Malaysia last week. Or was it the week before? Or the week before before? Doesn't matter. Anyway, we met up of course. And I only wanna point one thing out. I miss the days when we all wore dark blue pinafores and tied two ponytails to school and showed off new bags or pencil cases or mechanical pencils and boasted about how beautiful our own Mummys is and all that stuff!!! And of course, we called each other by our surnames then. Gosh~ It felt funny and weird but made me go "aww" and wanna give my friend a huge big hug when I heard her calling me "Soe". It brought back so many memories! (Though I don't remember much with my limited space built in memory) But still~!

To anyone reading this, if you have time, go dig out old photo albums and browse through. Flip each page slowly. Let your brain search your (hopefully it's bigger than mine) memory space and bring you years and years back. You'll be amazed what's in store in your memory. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah ya
den where my books har?
form 6 ... heheh