Yep! The title says it all!
I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. =)
I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. =)
And well, the food was good! =D
Pork hand and whatsitcalledagain vege.
Is there really a difference between pork hand and pork leg?
Why isn't this thing called pork leg/foot instead?
Owh I remember now!
Afican fish.
(African fish?)
We scooped the sauce and let it drip from our spoons.
We took the mushrooms and dropped it back.
And we poked the piece of pork with forks and spoons.
Owhkay owhkay.
We syok-sendiri can?
ginger-which-I-don't-like chicken dish.
And Jen Ruw was gonna put the pork limb into the dish.
Table with me.
But I was taking the picture.
Andy (guy with black shirt) was trying to be romantic
with Nicholas (guy with white shirt facing back).
*Andy!!! I didn't know!!!*
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