The other night, we were walking to our.. Uhh.. I think it's my car, in Pyramid Tower, Aaron, JinYang and me saw this very weird Proton Wira. Couldn't help but take a coupla pictures of it. It's weird! It's just weird! But the interior's damn cool. All leather bound and spacious and nice-looking. But it just had to be a Wira. Potong all our steam. I'm being racist, but it's true. It's a freekin Wira! Cannot means cannot!
Here's JinYang in Hawaiian shorts and weird Wira.
In another ocassion...
In another ocassion...
Home sweet home of all DG students.
Daniel and SannDee making themselves as comfy as they can get.
Tak boleh tahan~
Just had to take picture.
Our very very ancient tape player works again! Wheee! All credit goes to my bro Ben. Dunno how that fella fiddled around with that old thing, I was upstairs and suddenly
"JIEHHH!!! We can watch cartoon liaoooo!!"
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